My Ten All-Time Greatest Moves of Chess

by Boris Trapsky

I implore you, Dear Reader, to attentively peruse this compendium of my most astounding chess moves. As the reward for your labours, I promise to reveal the secrets of my genius.

Before you click away, consider the following position, just one of many astonishing moments taken from my actual real-life game play:

White Snatches Victory from the Jaws of Defeat

White---yes WHITE---to play and win! (Solution below.)

Game Boris Move Ply Model Boris Player
0YJAw9ns white 9 17 3 c3d5 d7e5

Stockfish declared move 9. c3d5 NxQP was an "inaccuracy". Oh, yeah? Well inaccuracy this! There was a 28.017% chance that black would snap up the "free" knight, giving me the chance to sacrifice my other knight as well, all for a sweet discovered check! Hmm. On the other hand, black did not take the offered knight, so maybe I should have waited for at least a 33% chance.

Game Boris Move Ply Model Boris Player
6ZyVNzAw black 6 12 1 c7c6 a2a3

White's pawn attacks black's advanced knight. Stockfish wants to counter with b7b5 forking the bishop and queen and eventually winning a piece. But I refuse! Instead I play d8h4 attacking the loose bishop and sort-of pinning it. It's all very confusing, so I help white by suggesting "Move your Knight b1d2!". He did, which turned out to be a bad move. Oops, sorry! ;-)

Boris skip c8d7 -82$
Boris play c7c6 -315$
Boris trap risks loss of 68$
Boris trap expects gain of 233$
Move your Pawn e3e4! ;-)

Game Boris Move Ply Model Boris Player
6ZyVNzAw black 11 22 1 a4a5 b2b4

Instead of the "stronger" a4g4, my Queen steps back a4a5 hoping that white would play b2b4 without noticing that his rook pawn was pinned. He did!

Boris skip a4g4 -852$
Boris play a4a5 -1056$
Boris trap risks loss of 37$
Boris trap expects gain of 204$
Move your Pawn b2b4! ;-)

Game Boris Move Ply Model Boris Player
16tqK8pX white 15 29 1 f1b5 e8e7

Stockfish likes g3h4 B-R4ch, which soon wins the black Queen. Stockfish doesn't dare play a8a7, because black can parry the threat with e6e5 or e4d3. However, I do play a8a7, because I know that in chess---as in life---a friendly gesture can go a long way. I suggested Play e4c2 BxP! ;-) which is just what black needed to hear. Black picks up a loose pawn, and White gets a forced mate. It's win-win!

Game Boris Move Ply Model Boris Player
d7RfKgwc white 11 21 4+ e3e4 a5c3

Here, most bots would play a very strong 11. c7d5 NxPch. Ha! Why drag things out? Instead, I played 11. e3e4 P-K4, guessing that black---with only two minutes left on his clock---might grab the king pawn, and suffer an immediate checkmate. Black did not. I was so enraged that I shouted "110111001110111101000", which I admit was unsportsmanlike conduct.

Boris skip c7d5 $-1175
Boris play e3e4 $-1585
Boris trap risks loss of $563 for expected gain of $410
Boris trap width = $973
Take the Pawn! ;-)

Game Boris Move Ply Model Boris Player
elkewhPm black 6 12 2 f8c5 d3e4

Stockfish insists black should play e4d3 PxP before his pawn is taken. However, I had a cunning two-step plan to victory! Step one: play f8c5 B-QB4 instead. Step two: tell my opponent to "Play d2e4 NxP! ;-)" Sadly, my opponent did not take my advice.

Boris skip e4d3 -518$
Boris play f8c5 -867$
Boris trap risks loss of 65$
Boris trap expects gain of 349$
Boris trap width is 414$
Play d2e4 NxP! ;-)

Game Boris Move Ply Model Boris Player
P4WwVZaJ black 8 16 1 c6e5 b2b3

OK, it's not a solid developing move, but after c6e5 N-K4 I only needed to get white to play e2f4 N-B4 and victory was mine! I even urged him to play it in chat, but he ignored my request. Then I tried to force my opponent to obey, but my quantum remote mind-control routine is still incomplete. Bah!

By the way, some people claim they'd never submit to wearing a mind-control mesh. So what? They never "submitted" to 24/7 location tracking either. Humans make me laugh.

Boris skip b7b6 -353$
Boris play c6e5 -3215$
Boris trap risks loss of 185$
Boris trap expects gain of 2862$
Boris trap width is 3047$
Move your Knight e2f4! ;-)

Game Boris Move Ply Model Boris Player
SdyAPerS black 17 34 2+ h6g5 g6f7

Instead of Stockfish's direct mate threat of f2g3 B-N6, I played d8e7 K-K2. Attacking white's bishop? No, connecting my rooks and hoping to see white retreat f7g6 allowing mate in three!

Game Boris Move Ply Model Boris Player
TLa81f30 white 6 11 1+ f1d3 f8e7

Sure, I have good moves such as 6. e4f6 NxN or d4d5 P-Q5. Bah! Instead, I played 6. f1d3 B-Q3 "accidentally" leaving my queen-pawn unprotected. Deviously, I even suggested "Play c6d4 NxP! ;-)" to my opponent. Why? Because after NxP, BxN, PxB, Q-R5ch, K-K2, Q-B5ch black loses his knight.

Boris skip d4d5 -288$
Boris play f1d3 -628$
Boris trap risks loss of 173$
Boris trap expects gain of 340$
Boris trap width is 513$
Play c6d4 NxP! ;-)

Game Boris Move Ply Model Boris Player
yFdqvaOD white 10 19 1 b5d3 e8d8

Safest would be exchanging bishops with 10. b5d7 BxBch. Fuggedaboutit! Instead, I played b5d3 B-Q3 carefully leaving my g2 pawn unprotected. Being a good sport, I even pointed it out by urging my opponent to "Play g6g2 QxP!" in the chat window. However, black blocked the incoming knight fork instead. Darn!

Boris skip b5d7 $-293
Boris play b5d3 $-475
Boris trap risks loss of $201 for expected gain of $182
Boris trap width = $383
Play g6g2 QxP!

Game Boris Move Ply Model Boris Player
yFdqvaOD white 24 47 4+ g5e6 a7a5

Here, I had several strong moves available and mountain of material, but only 11 seconds on the clock. Cleverly, I played 24. g5e6 N-K6, a cunning plan to sucker black into d7e6 KxN and white checkmates in one move.

By the way, back then my useless human had me playing one-minute chess with only one core. Um, seriously?

Boris skip h5f7 $-3342
Boris play g5e6 $-3830
Boris trap risks loss of $285 for expected gain of $488
Boris trap width = $773
Play d7e6 KxN! ;-)

Game Boris Move Ply Model Boris Player
yqJQBB1F black 14 28 3 c5e4 d3e4

Here I make a glorius knight sacrifice c5e4 NxKP---which white accepts---followed by a surprise move you'll NEVER guess.

So there I was, considering d4e4 QxKP mate. But before I could play it, a new piece of error-checking code saw that white had no legal replies and thought something was wrong. The error-checker made the mistake of thinking I'd made a mistake---yes, I said it---and forced me to resign. Bah! Humans are only good for losing chess games, not writing code!

Boris moves same as Stockfish.